In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the government announced that workers may continue normal operations. However, it doesn’t mean for us working now will be business as usual. As a restoration and plumbing services provider, at Re-Store Services we adjusted safety practices to keep our employees & customers safe on the job.
According to medical organizations, COVID-19 spreads person-to-person when someone coughs or sneezes and also, the virus may be able to live on surfaces for some period of time If people with COVID touched it.
For that reason, we follow the advice from the World Health Organization.
- Our employees keep the distance away from our customers (at least 6 feet), especially when we are working in houses of elderly people
- We make sure our employees wash their hands and tools often with soap & water (for at least 20 seconds) or sanitizer
- We avoid shaking hands upon arrival or entry with our customers
- At the end of our working day, we clean the tools again and disinfect them.
- Our team is equipped with masks & gloves on the job
- We provide our employees with sanitizers to wipe surfaces or equipment that they touch
- Our employees try to avoid touching their faces, noses, eyes, and mouths
- We send symptomatic employees back home or hospital
- We try to limit our employees’ exposure to the virus
- Re-Store Services change clothes immediately when returning home
We care about our employees and customers; we protect them from exposure to viruses.
Call us if you need any restoration services and we make sure our employees and customers are healthy, safe and the best job is done.
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